January 2014

Reidyz Roundup 2013


What a year!  We finish 2013 at the opposite temperature spectrum to where we started.  We began the year in the French Alps, took a self-guided cycling holiday through the Medoc region outside Bordeaux, Andrew disappeared to Norway for 2 weeks motorcycling from London to the Arctic Circle and back, and then a happy and [...]

Reidyz Roundup 20132017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

July 2013

London to the Arctic begins


[vc_column_text pb_margin_bottom="no" pb_border_bottom="no" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] The time has come.  The panniers are packed.  And in usual fashion, I'm now running late.  Of course, I have to have some photos with the family before heading off and Sasha kindly takes to the camera while Mia climbs all over the bike. Today I head off to [...]

London to the Arctic begins2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

August 2011

London to Frankfurt


Needed for a week in Germany means an opportunity for a great ride from London and Frankfurt and back. Leaving London for a Saturday afternoon chunnel crossing to Calais, and it couldn't have been easier. First time using the eurotunnel and it was great. Even arrived a bit early and was ushered straight onto the [...]

London to Frankfurt2014-10-21T13:35:53+11:00

April 2011

Easter in The Lake District


This weekend we headed up to Ambleside in the Lake District to get out of London and do some walking. Tim and I took the opportunity to ride up, leaving after work on Thursday to travel to Leicester, and then through the Peak District and up to Ambleside on the Friday. Tim had hired himself [...]

Easter in The Lake District2013-07-10T01:24:47+10:00

March 2011

Wedding anniversary ride to Bath


Midweek holidays are definitely the way to go. And all the better making it a ride out! […]

Wedding anniversary ride to Bath2013-07-13T23:43:26+10:00

February 2011

Afternoon at Freshwater Beach


Had a great afternoon at Freshwater Beach today. Met up with a couple of friends for a late swim and some dinner. Freshie had some good waves for a change and the Waboba even got a workout for some classic catches in the surf. Took the opportunity to test out the GoPro camera in the [...]

Afternoon at Freshwater Beach2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

January 2011

October 2010

Off-road skills


What’s more fun than riding a motorbike along country roads? Riding it off-road of course. I was off to Wales this weekend for a Friday/Saturday off-road skills course on the border of the Brecon Beacons National Park. Leaving work for the ride into Wales on Thursday was a nightmare. London traffic was a killer and [...]

Off-road skills2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

GS Outback Adventure


Here are a few great videos of a recent trip Daryl Beattie took along the boarder track between Victoria and South Australia. Definitely something I would think about doing in the future. Great to see the Australian bush, even though its not the same as the lush green English countryside. Day 1: Day [...]

GS Outback Adventure2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

August 2010

Highlands of Scotland


Over 1400 miles in 6 days through Lakes, Lochs, Highlands, Moors and Peaks. It’s always exciting getting packed for an adventure, and for the next 6 days we will be atop the mighty bumblebeemer for a loop up the west coast of England into Scotland’s highlands and back down the east coast to London. London [...]

Highlands of Scotland2012-11-21T22:21:44+11:00

Isle of Wight sailing


600 miles on the clock in the first week, first service done, and now it time to put a few more miles under the belt with a trip to the Isle of Wight for Cowes Week 2010 sailing regatta. To make the most of the opportunity I headed down on the Bumblebee... mer after work [...]

Isle of Wight sailing2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

June 2010

Wimbledon 2010


Today we were off to Wimbledon. After entering the ballot for tickets last year, we managed to get ourselves tickets to the Court 1. And what a great day it was turning out to be. The temperature was in “heat wave” territory for the UK at 27 degrees, and the sun was shining. The perfect [...]

Wimbledon 20102017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

Sasha learns to ride


After almost 2 years of scooting around, Sasha has finally made the time to learn to ride a real bike. Over the weekend, she hired a manual Honda CGF125 and we headed out for some test rides. Hurdle number 1 was getting the bike to a location suitable to learn (read: crash) which meant I [...]

Sasha learns to ride2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

May 2010

Mont-Saint-Michel and back to London


Out of the blocks early again this morning to ride about 20 mins to Mont-Saint-Michel just on the Nomandy side of the Brittany border. The ride out of Ducey and through the surrounding fields is great and then you just see the abbey, enormous on the horizon on the other side of clear flat fields. [...]

Mont-Saint-Michel and back to London2012-11-21T22:21:45+11:00

Tapestry’s and the D-Day beaches


Great nights sleep in the village an we were up to a hearty breakfast before getting back on the road headed for Bayeux. First stop was the British war cemetery just outside town. Massive cemetery and within walking distance of the British war museum. We didn't go into the museum but we wandered around the [...]

Tapestry’s and the D-Day beaches2012-11-21T22:21:46+11:00

Ride to France?!


Today we started with an early 5:45am start in Portsmouth for the ferry to Le Havre, on the Normany coast of France. Stayed at the Portsmouh Travelodge which is the optimal place to stay for access to the ferry wharf. With the bike packed, a 45 second ride from the carpark had us handing over [...]

Ride to France?!2012-11-21T22:21:46+11:00

April 2010

Honest advertising


There is a suit shop near work that, for as long as I have been in London, has been in a constant state of closing down. And a closing down sale to go with it. For the last while it has just been a running joke with the locals so maybe it's been like that [...]

Honest advertising2012-11-21T22:21:46+11:00

A day to relax


Today was just a day of relaxation. Sleeping through breakfast we knew we were off to a good start. Massages were our first and only planned activity for the day. An hour of oriental massage of Sasha and Swedish for me. It amazing how quick an hour goes when you are in a vegetative state. [...]

A day to relax2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

Boat dive


Awesome! What, you want more? Fine. Today's we had an afternoon boat dive on a reef off a neighbouring island. We were quickly down to about 14m and the coral and aquatic life was excellent. It was my and Sasha's first time at a boat dive and it is definitely the way to go. No [...]

Boat dive2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

Another day, another dive


Another great start to the day with a morning dive on the house reef. No theory today so it was just suit up (although no wet suit required for 30 degree water) and swim out off the beach. We went down to about 11m and swam around for about 50 mins. Around the reef in [...]

Another day, another dive2012-11-21T22:21:47+11:00

You like to SCUBA?


This morning we were up early (early in holiday speak) for a quick breakfast before SCUBA diving. Sasha had never done it before so we had booked ourselves in to a resort dive where yu can go with an instructor and don't need to have done the course. It was great! After a bit of [...]

You like to SCUBA?2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

Life on the island


Missed breakfast today and didn't everyone know about it. We rolled in to lunch to be met with "sleep in today?" and "you missed breakfast" by the staff in the restaurant. Not to mention they also seemed to know that we had been snorkeling yesterday. Coming from London they are bordering on stalker, but it's [...]

Life on the island2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

Doing it tough


Well here we are in the Maldives. Pretty hard to fault a place like this. So far we have done a bit of snorkeling and swimming but mainly just watched the world go by. During the day there are small fish in the shallows being herded by small sharks. Great to watch. And of an [...]

Doing it tough2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

November 2009



Not that we have made any updates recently, but if you haven't already checked it out, you can read stories and see photos of our trips around Europe and beyond at globaltreka.com. Contact Sasha or I for the password to the site if you don't have it already.


OK riding


If you watch closely, you can tell Chris Pfeiffer knows how to ride a bike... httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No_vqA2A3KY

OK riding2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

June 2009

London to Brighton Bike Ride 2009


This year we did the London to Bright Bike Ride raising money for the British Heart Foundation. It was a great 54 mile ride with some moderate, and one devastating, uphills and long downhills to get up some speed. It started in Clapham Common which is very near our house and the first 20 miles [...]

London to Brighton Bike Ride 20092017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

Peak District


In June we headed to the Peak District for a camping weekend. We stayed at the Rivendale campsite between Ashbourne and Buxton which is about 3 hours drive from London. On Saturday we did a day walk up on The Roaches which is a rocky outcrop in the lower “white peaks” area of the Peak [...]

Peak District2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

May 2009



This weekend we had a short break in Krakow with friends. We had a great time touring around the city. It was just a weekend away so was plenty of brunching and city walks to be had. We spent the first day wandering the streets of Krakow, which has more of a town atmosphere than [...]


London to Oxford ride


Over the long weekend we rode from home in London to Oxford. The map said it was 99 miles and we were going to tackle it in 2 days.After a bit more of a sleep in they we had planned (you can’t rush these things) we headed off about 10am Saturday morning. Today was going [...]

London to Oxford ride2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

April 2009

Camping in New Forest and riding on Isle of Wight


With a recent tent purchase, Easter was going to be the time to test it out. We headed to the New Forest, south west from London, for the Easter long weekend.We arrived late Thursday night and set up camp. Within an hour from settling into the tent for the night the rain began. Nevertheless we [...]

Camping in New Forest and riding on Isle of Wight2013-07-11T00:23:11+10:00

March 2009

Ride into Kent


After passing my motorbike test at the beginning of March it was time to hire a bike and head out of London to explore the countryside.So I hired a red BMW F650GS (actually 800cc - go figure) and Sasha and I spent a day out on the bike.The day started with brunch at the Windmill [...]

Ride into Kent2013-07-11T00:23:11+10:00

January 2009

Germany for Christmas & snowboarding in Austria for New Year


We hooked up with some friends (Tim, Bettina and Jay) to spend Christmas 2008 with Bettina’s family in Germany where we trotted out some trifle for dessert... which was promptly renamed “Kangaroo pudding” by the grandparents to overcome the language barrier.Christmas day was spent indoors, with goose being the main meal of the day. The [...]

Germany for Christmas & snowboarding in Austria for New Year2017-05-22T22:36:06+10:00

August 2008



After our ride from Vienna to Budapest we headed straight to Croatia for some R&R.Flying into Split we got a ferry straight out to Hvar for 4 days at a beach resort to unwind. We had great weather and spent lots of time by the pool or in the crystal clear water of the Adriatic [...]


May 2008



Details coming shortly


February 2008



For something a bit different we signed up with Exodus for a Finnish Wilderness Week group trip. We had a very active week and the people we met throughout the week were great. From snow shoeing to snowmobiling to ice climbing it was the best way to enjoy the snow covered forests of northern Finland.As [...]


January 2008

Paris for NYE


Happy New Year!!!This year it was great to have some visitors from Sydney in Will, Julia and Camille. While we had plenty to do in and around London we managed to arrange a rendezvous in Paris for New Years Eve. We found great little place for dinner and then headed to Plac de la Concorde [...]

Paris for NYE2013-07-11T00:24:09+10:00

December 2007



Hi everyone. This weekend we shot off to Denmark to catch some Christmas markets. We saw a few of the different Christmas markets set up around Copenhagen, the little mermaid and generally walked the streets to see what was going on.


August 2007



August bank holiday long weekend and we are off to Wales. We hired a car and headed off to see some of the sights of the Wales countryside.Heading across the border into Wales there was an instant change in the countryside. From the English villages we hit the open green fields of Wales, dotted with [...]


June 2007

New York


With Andrew heading to New York for work, it gave us the opportunity to add a few days of holiday onto the end of the trip and take in the sights of the Big Apple.We walked the streets of New York, strolled through Central Park and did a lap around Liberty Island.COMING SOON - The [...]

New York2013-07-11T00:24:09+10:00

March 2007



Following our trip back to Australia and having 39 degree days, we headed to Iceland to try -5 for a 4 day long weekend. We hired a 4WD and toured around, staying at a hotel in a deserted fishing village, driving through the snow, and finally walking the streets of Reykjavik before commuting back to [...]


December 2006



The Jordan trip was definitely one of the biggest highlights of 2006 for me. I travelled there when another Eid celebration was underway – the breaking of the fast at the end of Ramadan. It’s an interesting time to be in a predominantly Muslim country and special bonus points go to our excellent driver and [...]


December 2005

Spain and Prague


Well, our Spain trip did not enjoy very auspicious beginnings. Todd came over to join us for a week of exploring the vibrant and historic Andalucia region and after a few requisite days of dragging a sleep-walking brother around to “enjoy” the sights and pints of London (that time zone difference thing really does upset [...]

Spain and Prague2017-05-22T22:36:07+10:00

April 2005



Well what can I say, except that Morocco was awesome! We did an 8-day Imperial Cities tour taking in Casablanca, Rabat, Moulay Idriss, Meknes, Fes and Marrakech – that’s over 1000kms in a week!


March 2005

United Arab Emirates


This is what I call travelling in style – 5-star accommodation and corporate seating at the Dubai World Cup! We flew into Dubai on Good Friday, just in time for the big event at Nad Al Sheba Racecourse and you could virtually smell the oil money upon landing. The race itself is the richest in [...]

United Arab Emirates2013-07-11T00:24:10+10:00
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